2017 Delmarva Rallies
Sun/Mon, May 28-29: Tetrathlon Rally, Hosted by Delaware Pony Club at Fair Hill, Elkton, MD
May 14, 2017: Delmarva C/D Dressage Rally, Hosted by Delmarva Region at St. Augustine Pony Club Grounds, Warwick, MD

Congratulations to all the FHPC members who competed at Dressage Rally and a BIG thank you to Ana DiGironimo for coaching.
Pictured left to right: Melissa, Emily B, Emma, Ana D, Carly, Tatum, Jenna, Cami, Morgan, and Angelina

Congratulations to FHPC Black team: 1st place HM; 10th place overall.
Pictured left to right: Morgan F (Captain), Cami H, Tatum G, Angelina P, and Jenna K (not pictured)
Congratulations to FHPC Red team: 2nd place HM; 5th place overall.
Pictured left to right: Carly D, Melissa M (Captain), Emily B, and Emma H
Sat, April 8, 2017: Horseless Rally hosted by Delaware Pony Club at Mouse House Farm, Unionville, PA

Congratulations to all the Fox and Hounds members who competed in Horseless Rally!
Pictured left to right: Morgan (SM), Angelina (Capt, back row), Ava V (front row), Ava F, Emily B (Capt), Lilyanna V, Harper F, and Evelyn P (SM)

March 5, 2017: Delmarva Quiz Rally, Hosted by Eastern Bay PC, Chesapeake College, Wye Mills, MD
Congratulations to FHPC/Eastern Bay Scramble team: 1st place: Evelyn P (Captain), Tatum G, Ava V, and Abby P (Eastern Bay)
Congratulations to FHPC team: 5th place: Emma H (Captain), Angelina P, Emily B, and Lily V

Sun, June 11, 2017: D3/C Qualifying Show Jumping Rally
Sat/Sun, June 18-19, 2017: D Eventing Rally
Sun, Oct 8, 2017: D/C Non-Qualifying Show Jumping Rally